To establish this ranking, we used the latest figures from the habitat observatory compiled by the Liser. We have added up the prices per square metre of houses and flats recorded between 1 July 2019 and 30 June 2020. This was done in order to obtain a “global price” per square metre.
source: RTL


The municipality of Kopstal in the canton of Capellen. It is the only one of this top 5 not to be part of the canton of Luxembourg, even if you stay very close to the capital. Here, for a flat, the posted price is 9,867 euros per square metre. For a house, you will have to pay 6,817 euros per square metre. The average price of a flat in Kopstal is 1,087,639 euros, and the average price of a house here is 1,794,371 euros.


At the foot of the podium, the municipality of Walferdange. Here the flats are priced at 9,426 euros per square metre, the houses are trading at 8,041 euros per square metre. The average price of a flat is 760,223 euros and that of a house is 1,568,575 euros.


The municipality of Strassen. Flats are priced at 9,358 per square metre, houses at 8,398 per square metre. The average price of a flat exceeds 1 million at 1,002,436 euros. And the average price of a house is 1,777,728 euros.


Bertrange is the most expensive town in the country outside the capital. Here you will have to pay 10,796 euros per square metre for a flat, and 8702 euros per square metre for a house. The average price of a flat is 878,052 euros, for a house you will have to pay 1,780,379 euros.


Unsurprisingly, it is the capital. In Luxembourg City, the price per square metre of a flat is 11,657 euros, that of a house 8,971 euros per square metre. Finally, the average price of a flat is 894,929 euros, and for a house, plan on an average budget of 1,560,709 euros. In its latest study on residential real estate in Europe, the firm Deloitte has just ranked Luxembourg in second place in Europe, behind Paris but ahead of London for the price per square metre.

source: RTL